About Us

vPSI Group, LLC, offers a unique integrated management system that effectively handles the “unplanned events” that all organizations face. The system builds on basic management theory to both measure and guide the process of generating corrective actions. 

The vPSI management system is about two things: 

  • Measuring an organization’s performance when dealing with problems:

The vPSI Number™ is a measurement system that typically utilizes corporate safety programs as a vehicle, supplementing conventional safety measurements with an evaluation of how well the organization responds to “unplanned events” such as accidents, incidents, near misses, or audit problems. This evaluation determines the effectiveness of the organization’s response and provides an indicator of future performance.

  • Providing a platform for continuous improvement within the organization:

The vPSI System is a professional development program in addition to being a route to improved safety performance. Using vPSI measurements to manage an organization produces sharply improved problem-solving skills. Everyone will perform more effectively if they understand a few simple vPSI concepts and methods and apply them to their jobs. Skills learned through the safety program can be applied to all areas of the organization, which will improve overall efficiency and boost the bottom line by the reduced costs of accidents as well as the reduced cost of responses to those accidents. 

Click here to view an Introduction to vPSI in five slides.  Visit our Products and Services page for specific information about our offerings.

Contact us for in-depth details of vPSI concepts and methods.

The vPSI System is modular in concept and can be implemented at varying levels of commitment.  vPSI delivers a customized solution designed to fit the client's organizational objectives and address the client's key problem areas.  Modular training provides the tools to measure problem-solving effectiveness, identify the causes of problems, devise appropriate long-term solutions, and effectively implement those solutions.  The levels of commitment are described below:

  • Low-level implementation - allows the client organization to continue to utilize existing management systems while incorporating vPSI tools and techniques to promote better corrective actions.  Implementation at this level reduces potential culture shock but reduces the benefits and does not lead to vPSI Number™ Certification.  This low-level commitment does not require a vPSI Technology License Agreement.

  • Full implementation - The client's management systems are modified to shift corporate culture from requiring problem avoidance to rewarding problem solving and setting new standards for success.  This allows for vPSI Number™ Certification and requires a vPSI Technology License Agreement.

A typical vPSI implementation is a combination of business process modification and training, and consists of four phases:

  • Initial vPSI assessment (baseline) of current practices in several areas, including accident/event investigations, audit processes, and pre-task planning

  • Training personnel in the fundamentals of the vPSI System, Job Planning, and the KUBO-TEPA™ problem solving process.

  • Modify event reporting procedures as applied to incidents, accidents, near misses, and other unplanned events

  • Maintenance includes monitoring and mentoring vPSI graduates, training new personnel, performing audits, and certifying annual vPSI Numbers™

Contact us to learn how to implement the vPSI System™ in your organization.

